Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tip: A better way to track your passwords

If you're of a certain age you can remember a time when you only had your ATM code to memorize. Now almost everyone has at least a half dozen passwords and secret codes to track. And with new security standards sites are beginning to require passwords be changed every few months. What to do, besides keeping your passwords on Post-Its on your computer screen?

Today I share a tip about computer tools to help you keep track of your passwords. These are both on-line and off-line tools, much more secure than your yellow sticky. And the best part is, they're free!

1 comment:

Dr Wong said...

I have a very clever method. I start with the number "1" and then add however many numbers the password prompts me for. So far, my longest password has been "12345678." Brilliant, no?

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