Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Do not forget the Holocaust

Today was a sober day of remembrance for the Timberwolves. The 104th
Division liberated a concentration camp less known than others but one
that was equally brutal. In April of 1945 the Timberwolves entered
Nordhausen and discovered what other Allied units in other parts of
Germany discovered. In addition the prisoners supplied labor for the
underground manufacturing sites of the infamous V-1 and V-2 weapons of
the Germans. The caverns are immense and awe inspiring in their grisly
way. Google Nordhausen or Mittelbau-Dora for additional details. The
location is placid now amid countryside that reminds one of Western
Pennsylvania. But from 1943 to 1945 it was a place of the worst that
human kind can devise.

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