Monday, August 24, 2009

Update on Susan, Sunday 8/23

In her own words from Facebook:

I felt so good yesterday, I over-did, and now, I thinks this "minor" surgery is a bit more major than I gave it credit for! lol (I was thinking, "This isn't so bad -- I can just get up and go on with my life..." ...Au contraire...)

I'll add that as of 11 PM last night Susan realized she hadn't taken any pain meds all day! Maybe she's doing pretty well, all things considered.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Susan's update, August 22, 2009

Better to plan for the worst and hope for the best, eh? Susan's recovery continues to go well despite my efforts to over tax her abilities. Last night I stayed in SF after a business meeting to attend the Lamplighters' production of My Fair Lady, with Susan's permission, of course. Lauren was out, too, so Susan and I anticipated a quiet evening for Susan. It was not to be. Because I had made a mistake in reconnecting our cordless phone the only working phone was in the bedroom. Susan was in the living room finishing up a movie. We rarely get phone calls in the evening but last night there were at least five. With each call Susan had to get up and go to the bedroom to answer it. The up side is that she was able to do so and do it with energy. The down side is that it wasn't what she anticipated!

Susan did well today, too. She has been eating well and getting up regularly and frequently. She has had flare ups of symptoms of her other conditions but they haven't been too bad.

Keep praying - we firmly believe that keeps both of us going.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Susan's update, August 21, 2009

Susan came home from the hospital today. I'll let you read how she's doing in her own words. From her Facebook post about 3 pm.

Home & recovering well after a "2-hr" surgery turned into 7 hours! My insides were having a skating party and bumping each other around... And I guess I was a little farther gone than expected, so some unexpected repair was done. Some people's insides just don't know how to behave!! - lol But all is well now, and I am feeling 200% better since Wed.! Keep praying for continued healing & patience, & for my family! Tx!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Susan Update, Thursday, August 21

Hello all you visitors!

Susan is recovering very well from her surgery. She slept well last night with just oral painkillers, no morphine drip offered or needed. I know she had a good nap this afternoon (Lauren stopped by while she was asleep), ate well, though limited to a liquid diet, and walked a couple of times, including trips to the bathroom unassisted. She was in very good spirits when we saw her this evening.

I'll leave it to Susan to give you what unnecessary details you might want, but I'll just say that she's feeling the structural changes all for the better already.

The only concern we have at this point is that she's running a low level fever. Her doctor is well aware and is keeping an eye on it.

We fully expect Susan to be released from the hospital tomorrow though we don't know what time yet.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Susan's doing well!

Thanks for all your prayers, good wishes and thoughts. Susan came out of surgery a little late but just fine. The doctor reported that everything went smoothly albeit mush longer than the average procedure. The usual duration is four hours - Susan's procedure took seven.

She recovered from anesthesia swiftly and smoothly and is now in her room. Look for another update about this time tomorrow.

(Editor's note: This update is quite late because I wasn't able to connect to the hospital's wifi after 2 pm today. Where am I supposed to put the quarters?)

Susan's surgery, 1:30 PM update

The room matron (well, that may not be fair) just checked with the surgical desk. Susan is projected to be out of the OR about 2 pm.

Susan's surgery, 1:15 PM update

Sorry to say there's no news yet. As far as I know Susan is still in the operating room. We're going on five hours from when she was taken into the operating room area.

The Auxiliary snack bar is right next door to the waiting room so I stopped there for lunch. Long counters, swivel chairs, ladies calling you "Hon." I'm back in Capwell's Department Store lunch room. On the other hand the ladies (and I think that's still politically correct) are all volunteers and very sweet. I think there's an inverse relationship between sweetness and efficiency.

Susan's surgery, update 12:10 PM

Just heard from the LOL room monitor - Susan is not yet out of the operating room.

Susan's surgery, update 11:55 AM

Sorry, nothing yet. Expecting some word soon.

Susan's surgery, update 10:20 AM

This post is for you who are reloading, reloading, reloading. There's nothing new to report from the surgical waiting room but I have to admit that my head snaps up everytime the door to the surgical suites at the back side of the waiting room opens.

The room is monitored by a sweet, talkative older retired lady, a volunteer. It's just comfortably full today with a half dozen groups waiting for word on their loved ones. I heard from the room monitor that it can get quite crowded as it did for a period a few weeks back, with people even sitting on the floor.

I'm going to step out to stretch my legs. I may go see if the other café has good coffee. Thanks for stopping by. More soon.

Susan's surgery, update 8:50 AM

Those of you reading this from Facebook know that Susan is in surgery today for, um, female reproductive stuff. Enough said. We arrived at the hospital at 5:30 am and she was taken into the operating suite at 7:30 am. She's expected to be done and into the recovery room about noon today.

I will update her situation from time to time here on my blog (link below). Not all my Facebook friends will want these updates so I will unlink my blog posts from Facebook for the time being. Please come on over to my blog for updates on Susan. Remember that you may need to tell your web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, etc.) to refresh in order to get the latest news. (You should be able to find the refresh command in one of the menus at the top of the window.)

I'm hanging out in the hospital's surgical waiting room where, by the way, the public wifi is blazing fast, just in case you wanted to know. (>3000 kbs downstream, >4000 kbs upstream, accessible from the cafeteria.)

I know that many of you are praying for Susan. Thanks for your support - it's greatly appreciated.

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